Collect people and things with a touch

What is poken?

Poken is a powerful set of products and software for creating and implementing integrated online and offline marketing campaigns at events and tradeshows.

Our technology enables people to digitally exchange all their contact details with a touch, and to collect rich media in the real world from smart tags.

This means our customers can measure the level of engagement between event participants, assess the impact and popularity of each piece of content distributed offline, and generate sales leads based on people's real interests.

How can people collect and exchange rich media offline?

Poken created a complete touch-marketing ecosystem that includes:

  • USB devices to capture and exchange digital information (poken devices);
  • Smart tags to distribute rich media offline (pokenTAGS);
  • An online platform for users to view what they have collected (memberHUB);
  • An online platform for event organizers to setup and manage campaigns (partnerHUB).

How can businesses generate high quality leads?

Each time a user collects information from a pokenTAG, our platform registers their contact details. Content distributers have access to the leads generated, organized by products or topics.

Find out more about our business solutions here.